
What benefits does North Korea receive from its alliance with Russia – and what are the risks?

North Korea

What benefits does North Korea receive from its alliance with Russia – and what are the risks?


North Korea’s alliance with Russia has attracted global attention, especially as the two countries strengthen their ties. This partnership brings some benefits to North Korea but also significant risks.

Benefits for North Korea

Economic support

North Korea, which faces international sanctions, benefits from Russia’s support. Russia can provide economic aid, trade, and opportunities to circumvent sanctions through shared borders or other covert methods. This is important for North Korea, which struggles with economic isolation.

Military assistance and technology

A major benefit of the alliance is access to military assistance. North Korea can benefit from Russia’s advanced military technology, including missile and nuclear capabilities, which enhance its defense strategies. The exchange of military resources is a key factor in this alliance.

Political support

On the global stage, Russia’s support helps North Korea avoid complete diplomatic isolation. The Kremlin’s support provides a bulwark against Western-led sanctions and criticism. Russia also helps North Korea maintain a strong stance in global diplomacy, especially in UN debates.

Risks to North Korea

International response

North Korea’s growing alliance with Russia risks isolating the country from the global community. This alliance could lead to tougher sanctions from Western and other countries, which could worsen North Korea’s economic difficulties.

Dependence on Russia

By relying on Russia for economic and military support, North Korea risks becoming too dependent on Moscow. This could limit its ability to act independently and leave it vulnerable to Russian influence in a way that could undermine its sovereignty.

Escalation of tensions

This partnership could raise tensions with neighbouring countries, especially South Korea and Japan. These countries view North Korea’s military advances with growing concern, and growing cooperation with Russia could fuel regional instability.


While North Korea hopes to gain crucial support from its alliance with Russia, this relationship carries significant risks, particularly in terms of international relations and independence.

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